@ Saunders opened the Piggly Wiggly self-service grocery in 1916. By 1923 he had a chain of 2,800 stores across the USA. Saunders pioneered self- service and brand choice, giving consumers a cheaper and a much quicker one-stop shop # In the economic austerity that followed the second world war, the supermarket was slow to arrive in Europe. The US, meanwhile, raised the super- market to an art form, so by the time it crossed the Atlantic in the Fifties the concept was highly developed # By the Sixties supermarkets were to be found on every town's main street in Britain and competition was fierce. Price wars and pro- motions became a daily feature of supermarket shopping. But subtler psycho- logical devices have also been used to keep shoppers spending # The biggest worry of the supermarkets has always been how to ensure the loyalty of their customers. With little difference between the range or quality of products offered by the competing supermarkets, they have worked hard at building distinct identities # The self-service nature of the supermarket crated a need for new kinds of packaging, both for hygiene and for product recognition. The snappy designs also provided a way to make unexciting products seem attractive to the consumer # After the hardships of wartime rationing the supermarket was greeted enthusiastically by British shoppers. They became symbols of the new age of technology and choice # The shopping cart was the innovation that allowed supermarkets to thrive. Previously customers bought only what could be carried comfortably, but the arrival of the shopping cart encouraged them to make larger purchases # Supermarket shopping is no longer just a daily chore, it is a social event with little pleasures all of its own @